Coverage of the 320 15' Quadrangle
Maps in the Set
GPSmap 76S
Above the Timber 24K Maps
Lake Brainard in the Roosevelt National Forest
The dotted line is a track made from a hike.
° (About
10 miles north of Nederland, CO).
GPSmap 76C
Above the Timber 24K Map °
Garmin USA Topo Map ° Riding the Loop Railroad in Georgetown, CO.
The track is in blue.
zumo 550
Above the Timber 24K Map
Garmin USA Topo Map
Garmin City Navigator
Maps of Nederland, CO (About 12 miles
west of Boulder)
Nederland Covered Bridge over the Big
Spring Creek Shown on two of the Above Maps
This map program is professionally produced from USGS DEM (Digital
Elevation Model) data, which are points on a 10-meter grid with elevations.
The program has interpolated between these points to produce contour lines.
Also added are high-resolution water data, roads, streets, and forrest
service trails. In taking the above screen shots, the maps were 'mixed'
with other Garmin maps without ill effect.
Loading them into MapSource was remarkably 'uneventful' -for a Win-XP machine. (I wasn't able to load them into a Win-98 machine, but that needs to be confirmed elsewhere.) One does notice that the roads are somewhat 'fat', but the purpose of the maps are for OFF road trekking. With these maps in your GPS, I think you would have to 'work' at getting lost!