Motorcycle Mount for Garmin StreetPilot 2610/2650
Review by Michael Moore
released January 4, 2004
Here is some
information about the motorcycle mount for the Garmin StreetPilot 2610 and 2650
GPSR. I am quite excited about this product, because it is the first time that
Garmin has made a mount specifically for those of us who ride touring
motorcycles. This is good news, it means they are quite attentive to our needs.
(See Also:
The mount will be fairly inexpensive – I don’t know Garmin’s official
price for it, but it should be in the range of USD $40, (Check Prices Here) which is
very good value considering it includes the bracket and a rather complicated
cable. Although the bracket will hold either a SP 2650 or a SP 2610, the kit
includes a cable suitable for a SP 2610 - meaning, no speed sensor input. If you
have a SP 2650 and want to hook up a speed sensor input from your motorcycle
(only practical if your moto has an electronic, not mechanical, speedometer
signal), you will need to buy, additionally, a special SP 2650 cable.
The motorcycle mounting bracket is designed to be screwed directly onto
a standard Ram-Mount ball plate. It has 4 bolt-holes in it, with exactly the
same spacing between them as the 4 holes on the SP III automotive mounting
bracket. It can also be mounted on to a flat plate if you wish, there are little
tabs on the back that will stabilize it against the plate. No special adaptation
of the GPSR itself is needed.
The mount includes a well thought out
security feature – a very small machine screw that has a special, high-security
head on it. This prevents the GPSR from being removed from the bracket unless
you have the appropriate tool. I don’t believe Garmin will include the tool in
the kit (the bracket works perfectly well and holds the GPS very securely
without using the security screw), however, you should be able to buy either a
screwdriver or a small socket tool to fit this special security head from any
large tool dealer. I bought driver designed to fit on the end of a socket
wrench, and I carry it in the pocket on the right side of my fairing. I don’t
want to say here on the BB what kind of head the security screw has – who knows,
maybe GPS thieves read this BB. But suffice to say the level of security it
provides is good enough to let you leave the GPS in place while you go have
lunch, make a pit stop, walk around at a rally, etc. I don’t think I would leave
it in place overnight if I parked the moto on the street, because a determined
thief could just rip the whole mounting system off, security screw and all. But
this past summer, I always left it in place whenever I parked in reasonably
secure (attended) parking lots.
This motorcycle mount is a very well
designed and carefully thought out product. Garmin has not put their name or
logo anywhere on the bracket where it could be seen, so that the presence of the
empty bracket on your moto does not suggest to potential thieves that there is
an expensive GPS stowed away in your saddlebag. There is a red warning strip
that very clearly warns the rider if they have failed to properly secure the GPS
in the bracket by pressing down on the sliding clip at the top.
I rode
from Toronto to Vancouver and back this past summer using a pre-production
version of this bracket (mechanically identical, only the electrical connecter
was slightly different) and I was very happy with it. It holds the GPS securely,
and it takes only a few seconds to install or remove the
Questions? Comments? Corrections? Email Michael Moore
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